News Update!

Hi everyone!

Just a little update here to tell you about some exciting things going on at the moment!
Anyone who runs their own company will tell you how difficult it can be and Busy Bees Publishing is no different. However, the company has made huge progress this year. Yes, it's a hell of a lot of hard work but once you start to see the results of efforts made, it's such a joy! Plus being your own boss is wicked :-D Apart from Music Audio Stories, we have some interesting new projects coming up but more on that later...

Speaking of Music Audio Stories, me and Adie have been working on our first Music Audio Stories album! Its been so much fun and we've been very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with such talented actors and musicians. We are releasing a new story soon called 'Litter Bugs' and we've almost finished our seventh story ' Robert & Johnson's Space Adventure'. Then we're planning something extra special for Christmas but I will tell you about this later too!

There has been a demand for Lilygun shows recently but we are preparing our second album and won't be gigging again until next year now. However, I will be performing my solo acoustic set a few more times before the end of the year. I will also be recording the songs and hopefully doing a video too :-)

In-between all of that I am constantly writing new songs, compositions and stories. At times, it's a real challenge to keep up with everything but I love challenges and I am feeling extremely inspired right now!

You can listen to samples of all the Music Audio Stories here:



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