Models Own Speckled Eggs Swatches & Review

Models Own new collection for Spring 2014 called speckled eggs is amazing. These were released on the 12th March on their website and I grabbed the whole set in the 6 for £20 deal, the other polish I picked ... well let’s just say it’s a duochrome beauty which I plan on swatching another day. All these polishes are pastel cremes which contain matte black glitters in various sizes to resemble speckled eggs when on the nails .... hence the name - *obviously!

First up is Goose. This yellow polish ends up looking a little dirty because of the black glitters. I needed 3 coats for the photo below, no topcoat but the application was good for this and the polish dried quickly.

Magpie is a beautiful Tiffany mint green polish which is gorgeous. I only needed 2 coats for the photo below, no topcoat and like Goose the application and drying time was good.
 Duck is a gorgeous bluebell blue colour which looks amazing on. I used 2 coats for the photo below, no topcoat. Like the others application and drying time was good.
Dove, ahhh any pink polish is a winner in my book but this is stunning. I used 2 coats for the photo below, no topcoat. Drying time and application was perfect.
 Last is Swan, this polish was the biggest surprise for me and I ended up loving this polish far more than I ever thought I would. I used 2 coats for the photo below, no topcoat. Application and drying time was fab.
Because these polishes are based on eggs I have also swatched them using Models Own Matte Topcoat. I am addicted to putting Matte topcoat over everything at the minute. I personally feel that these polishes look best with a matte topcoat on.

Overall this collection can do no wrong, I would have liked Goose to be less dirty looking but I am just being picky. I can't pick a favourite but if you were to only get a couple I would highly recommend Magpie and Swan. Get yours now from Models Own website for £5 each or 6 for £20 (while the offer lasts). You can also pick these up on the high street from Boots and Superdrug.

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