YooMoo #guiltfreeze Nail Art Competition - The Winners

The day has arrived where I get to announce the winners of my Yoomoo #guiltfreezetpl froyo inspired nail art competition. I can't believe I announced the start of this competition on the 17th June and it's over already. I have really enjoyed seeing every ones entries come rolling in over the last few weeks. They have been amazing and I have been so impressed with the quality, creativity and talent that my instagram followers have shown, consequently it made making the decision of who won really hard.

However I managed to pick 3 stunning entries from the 17 that I received and these are the wining designs. Elaine, Ruth and Lisa from instagram were the ladies with designs that just jumped out at me. Well done.

The prize for the winners is shown below, a bottle Nails Inc Udderly Shocking Pink (exclusive for this Yoomoo competition) and some yummy sweets. I have also included a few nail art extras to help the winners with future manicures.

Here is a quick collage of the amazing designs that were entered. I love the variety that was created, given that the theme was very specific, it's incredible how people interpret it differently. A really sincere thank you to everyone that took the time to enter, I really wish I could send each and every one of you a nail polish.

As well as being honoured to host this competition for Yoomoo, I am so thankful to them for introducing me to the most delicious froyo I have ever tasted. I shall be buying Yoomoo froyo for ages to come and can not wait to see what new flavours they bring out. I will also need to get myself to one of their yogurt bars to create my own @thepolishlist froyo!

The main winner of the #guiltfreeze competition will be announced soon and I really hope the winner is amongst the worthy entries above! Good luck to all.

Thank you all again & keep painting amazing nail art!

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