For the girls...

"Self worth, self acceptance, and self love are crucial for us to be our “best” selves, both for our own personal fulfillment and for our ability to serve the world through our own highest purpose and calling."

We don't need to be the most beautiful, or rely on a man or wealth or success to feel whole. It all comes from within. If we are the best versions of ourselves, we can do anything we want.
I have to admit, most of my friends are boys, but I am lucky that I have a very powerful female figure in my life, my mum, who always inspires strength within me. I also have two wonderful girlfriends I can turn to. I love having girly nights out with them.

I have recently discovered the tv show, The Conversation and really enjoyed it. Watch and listen to what these amazing women have to say... Especially Jane Fonda who is totally awesome!
Visit the website here:

Ps. I am not a feminist... This is just very inspiring! ;-)


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